Scientists at Royal Holloway along with colleagues at UCL, have developed a novel artificial human chromosome which could be used to reverse the genetic defect in muscle stem cells.
Royal Holloway, University of London, in partnership with the UK Parliament, is launching the course Beyond the Ballot: Women’s Rights and Suffrage from 1866 to Today.
New research from the IST Austria, in collaboration with Royal Holloway and the University of Würzburg, has found that Lasius neglectus ants sacrifice ill ants to protect their colony from infection.
Oxford Dictionaries has announced "youthquake" as 2017's word of the year.
Researchers from Royal Holloway, University of London, and the University of Osnabrück in Germany have found that common fungi could hold the key to help so-called hard seeds germinate
New research from Royal Holloway, University of London on behalf of the Intergenerational Foundation has found that a "new dawn" has arrived for electioneering in the UK.
At first glance the word "motherhood" has a clear meaning, but the concept of motherhood has been fluid throughout history.
Royal Holloway’s world-class nanofabrication facility, SuperFab, was highlighted at The National Quantum Technologies Showcase 2017 at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre in Westminster this week
The decision by the Environment Secretary, Michael Gove that the UK government will support further restrictions across the EU on the use of neonicotinoids, is warmly welcomed by bee scientists.
Dr Daniel Beer from the Department of History at Royal Holloway, has been awarded the international Cundill History Prize for his book The House of the Dead: Siberian Exile Under the Tsars.
Dr Wenqing Liu from the Department of Electronic Engineering at Royal Holloway has been awarded the Young Scientist Medal for the year 2018 by the International Association of Advanced Materials.
Dr Michael Evangeli from the Department of Psychology at Royal Holloway will be speaking at AIDS Impact, an international conference on HIV and AIDS, in Cape Town today, 15 November.