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School of Law and Social Sciences

School of Law and Social Sciences

A Welcome from the Head of School

Welcome to the School of Law and Social Sciences at Royal Holloway University of London.

The School is strongly interdisciplinary and brings together criminology, economics, forensic psychology, international relations, law, philosophy, politics, sociology and social work subjects and expertise.

We are home to the following Departments and Research Centres:

This site provides a gateway to the exciting teaching and research carried out in and across our departments. We will continue to build the site to demonstrate how these activities are brought together in the School of Law and Social Sciences.

I hope some of you looking at this website will join us in that journey - as students, as research collaborators, or in other ways. You can find details below of how to contact us with general enquiries and details of the leadership of the School.  

I would encourage you too to follow the links to our Departmental sites.  Each Departmental site describes a wide range of academic endeavour and expertise. Working together in and between the Departments, crossing academic boundaries and responding to the needs of the communities in which we are based, we can create new opportunities that transcend the limits of specific academic disciplines. What can criminologists learn from economists for instance? The law and politics may often clash - so can bringing together the study of these two disciplines help understand decision making, debate and conflict?  How are the needs of the different communities in which we are based reflected in the social, economic and political systems we study? There is much more of course and I hope this website will enable you to share some of the excitement we feel that the School creates to learn and teach about these issues more.

Thank you for your interest.

Professor Matthew Humphreys - Head of School