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Student Voice

Student Voice

At RHUL, students and the faculty are partners keeping the economic programs up-to-date with the demands and expectations of students. There is more than one way that we listen to the students’ voice.

“Being the Departmental Rep put me at the centre of the decision making processes. I was in regular contact with the Head of Department and academics, tackling issues such as Academic assessments. It was great contributing to the academic and social life of the department, and overall a rewarding experience!” – Evgeny Prokofyev, Departmental Rep (2020/21)

"Being a Course Rep enabled me to relay the student body's concerns about exams and other issues to department heads. Despite the challenge of online learning, I was able to do this effectively due to the initial training with the SU." - Dena Abdelghaffar, Course Rep (2020-21)

Student Voice and Student Engagement

The Student Experience Lead and the Year Tutors act as champions for the student voice in the department. They act as a bridge between students and academic staff and are there to help develop teaching and learning policies, build a community and to improve the student experience. Students, who volunteer to be the student experience leads gain vital transferable skills on communication and negotiation which will be appreciated by future employers.

Get Involved

Academic Reps speak for the academic interests of their peers and future students. Students reps  get involved and help shape the future of the department. Academic Reps sit on the departments Student Staff Committee, recently, Course Reps have been able to indicate areas of interest, such as commuting students, BAME and LGBT+ students.

Their views and feedbacks are also thought when making changes to the curriculum. 

All students are encouraged to sign up to be Course Reps at the beginning of term. Course Reps will be supported by the Student Union, who also provide training.

Interested: Find out more here.

Peer guides help new students transition into their new life at University. They provide (mostly) non-academic advice and help new student make the most of their time at Royal Holloway.

Want to become a peer guide: check here

Student ambassadors are on the front line when it comes to representing the department and University at various events. Roles range from tour guides to managing events.

If you are outgoing and like to speak about economics and just simply help people around, become a student ambassador

The Royal Holloway Economics Society is the place to go for all students with an interest in economic issues, be it income inequality, world development, or the future of bitcoins. Come to one of our chats, stay for a social and sharpen your rhetorical skills before the annual public speaking competition.

The Economic society also aims to support your employability by hosting meetings with a diverse range of speakers  and alumni to share their experience and wisdom.

Want to see what’s coming up?

For all those matters as well as more personal issues, students can also always contact their personal advisor, who is a dedicated member of staff who will guide them throughout their studies.

The committee meets at least three times a year. The meetings provide an accessible forum for students to discuss issues related to teaching, learning and support with academic and professional services staff. SSCs membership includes course and members of departmental and University staff. They also provide an opportunity for the department to consult students and receive feedback on their ideas to improve the programme.

In the last few years, the SSC has influenced:

  • The delivery of feedback in modules.
  • The provision of revision sessions during the exam term.
  • The distribution of student workload during the year.
  • The departmental examinations policy during the pandemic.
  • The delivery of Bloomberg terminal training to students.
  • New programme proposals by the department.

There are three year tutors, one for each undergraduate year. Tutors are staff members who liaise between students and staff to improve student’s learning experiences. Students can raise different issues with their respective year tutor from difficulties with a specific module to more general course problems. There are different ways to engage with your year tutors. Students can find contact information and anonymous forums here. Year tutors also organize informal meetings with students throughout the year such as lunches and drinks.

The Centre for Research in Economics Education (CREEd) is organising an annual student-staff Co-Design and Co-Creation Conference (CoDeCon). Students present proposals for new assessments aimed at lowering the attainment gaps between white and non-white students, home and foreign students, and male and female students. The best proposals receive prizes and are considered for validation and introduction into the department’s assessment strategy.

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