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Displaying 37 to 48 of 101

Adrian Johnstone appears on 'Monkman and Seagull's Genius Adventures'
19 May 2020Professor Johnstone was filmed for the TV series discussing the foundations of modern computing and demonstrating the Difference Engine.

Amazon Research Award for Prof. Alex Gammerman
18 May 2020Prof. Alex Gammerman has received a prestigious Amazon Research award for a project entitled "Conformal Martingales for Change-Point Detection".

Best Paper Honorable Mention Award for Prof. Sara Bernardini
04 Mar 2020Prof. Sara Bernardini has received a Best Paper Honorable Mention award from the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling 2020 (ICAPS '20) for her paper "Through the Lens of Seque

Royal Holloway IBM Hursley interns demo WaterYouDoing? project.
08 Feb 2020WaterYouDoing? helps farmers use water more efficiently to increase food productivity.

CompSoc and Insanity Radio launch new Radio Show
08 Feb 2020The Royal Holloway Computing Society joins forces with Insanity Radio to launch the CompSoc Radio Show.

Leverhulme Visiting Professorship awarded to Computer Science
02 Dec 2019The Leverhulme Trust has agreed to offer Royal Holloway a Visiting Professorship to enable Professor Fabio Fagnani to visit the Department of Computer Science for a period of eight months.

Royal Holloway students win Cyber Crime Cup
28 Nov 2019Students from Royal Holloway have won The Cyber Crime Cup™ 2019, the first time a cyber security competition has been held live as a spectator eSport.

Royal Holloway Hackathon Success
19 Nov 2019A team of Royal Holloway undergraduate students has come second in a 24 hour hackathon challenge to reduce homelessness using the power of technology.

Students develop the first public database of worldwide explosive violence incidents
22 Oct 2019Code Groovers, a student-led commercial software development arm of the Department of Computer Science have built an interactive database that tracks incidents of explosive violence worldwide.

200 Years of Becoming Digital wins BSHS Great Exhibitions Competition
19 Jul 2019Royal Holloway is the first non-museum to have won the competition, which recognises outstanding exhibitions from across the globe.

EPSRC grant for Matt Hague
06 Jun 2019The project "String Constraint Solving with Real-World Regular Expressions" will run for three years.

DEBS 2007 Most Influential Paper Award
23 May 2019SpiderCast: A Scalable Interest-Aware Overlay for Topic-Based Pub/Sub Communication