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Displaying 73 to 84 of 101

Dan O'Keeffe joined us a lecturer
20 Jul 2018Dan was previously a post-doctoral researcher in the Large-Scale Distributed Systems (LSDS) group at Imperial College London.

Analyzing Security-Aware Workflows
03 Jul 2018A Leverhulme Trust grant has been awarded to Gregory Gutin, Dave Cohen and Jason Crampton.

Honorary Fellowship for Doron Swade
19 Jun 2018Doron Swade has a long history of outstanding contributions to to the history of computing in the UK.

Code Groovers is one-year old
17 Jun 2018Our software development arm, of which students are the main software developers, has celebrated its first year of operations.

We organised WADT'18
15 Jun 2018The 24th International Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques was held at Royal Holloway, July 2–5.

We organised PODC'18
15 Jun 2018The 37th ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing was held at Royal Holloway, July 23–27.

Vapnik receives Kolmogorov Medal
30 May 2018An honour made in recognition of his lifelong achievements.

Celebrating 50 years
23 May 2018Created in 1968, we are one of oldest computer science departments in the world.

James wins a Google Scholarship
20 May 2018James Tapsell has been awarded a 2018 Google Europe Scholarship for Students with Disabilities.

Leverhulme Visiting Professorship
13 May 2018Professor Fernando Orejas is visiting the Department of Computer Science for six months.

Nerode Prize for Magnus Wahlström
13 May 2018The 2018 prize has been awarded to the paper "Compression via Matroids: A Randomized Polynomial Kernel for Odd Cycle Transversal".

Emil wins Cybersecurity Award
12 Apr 2018Many congratulations to Emil Tan Jingwei who won the Singapore Cybersecurity Professional Award 2018!