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Displaying 13 to 24 of 101

EPSRC New Investigator Award for Argyrios
02 Aug 2023Dr. Argyrios Deligkas has been awarded a prestigious EPSRC New Investigator award for the project "NafANE: New Approaches for Approximate Nash Equilibria".

SMAILE Project wins GEE! Educational Game award
02 Aug 2023The SMAILE Project, led by Prof. Sara Bernardini and Dr. Santiago Franco-Aixela, has received the GEE! People's Choice Award for the year's most popular educational game.

Sara elected to AAAI Executive Council
30 Jun 2023Prof. Sara Bernardini has been elected as a member of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Executive Council.

Prof. Sara Bernardini interviewed on Robot Talk podcast
19 Jun 2023Sara discussed her research on decision-making, reconfigurable robots, and oceanography.

Dr. Anand Subramoney has joined us
22 Mar 2023Anand joins the department as a lecturer. Anand was previously a post-doc at the Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, co-leading a group on scalable and energy-efficient machine learning.

Dr. Ezekiel Soremekun joins the department
22 Mar 2023Ezekiel joins us as a lecturer. He was previously a research scientist at SnT (Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust), University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

Ethereum Foundation Grant for Dan and Darren
02 Nov 2022Dr. Dan O'Keeffe and Dr. Darren Hurley-Smith (ISG) have been awarded a grant by the Ethereum Foundation Academic Grants programme.

Computer Science successfully renews Athena Swan Bronze award
13 Sept 2022The Computer Science department has successfully renewed its Athena Swan Bronze award, following the submission to Advance HE in May 2022.

Undergraduate student publishes research paper at IJCAI 2022
23 Aug 2022Tiger-Lily Goldsmith, a 3rd year undergraduate student in the Computer Science department, presented a paper at IJCAI-ECAI 2022, the premier international gathering of researchers in AI!

Best Paper Award at SACMAT 2022 for Eduard and Gregory
24 Jun 2022Jason Crampton (ISG), Eduard Eiben (Comp Sci), Gregory Gutin (Comp Sci), Daniel Karapetyan (U. of Nottingham) and Diptapriyo Majumdar (IIITD), have received the best paper award at SACMAT 2022

Computer Science in top 25% for research in REF21
13 May 2022Computer Science has been recognised for its high proportion of world class research according to the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021 results

Dr. Nicola Paoletti awarded EPSRC grant to study security of medical devices
17 Feb 2022Nicola received an EPSRC New Investigator award for his project "MCPS-VeriSec: Model-based Security of Medical Cyber-Physical Systems"