Displaying 49 to 60 of 80

Google Faculty Research Award
04 Mar 2020The prestigious award will boost work supporting the scale-up of superconducting quantum computers.

2020 Alumni Event
18 Feb 2020On January 30th, 2020, the Physics Department organised its annual Alumni event for the current students.

PhD viva successes
19 Dec 2019Congratulations to Adam Boszon, Jacob Dunstan, Shaun Geaney, Swann Levasseur and Marjin Lucas for successfully completing their PhD vivas.

Christmas Lecture
03 Dec 2019This time we had a fantastic line up of young researchers, who talked about their work at Royal Holloway

The South East Physics Network Expo 2019
30 Nov 2019Well done to our students who attended this year’s SEPnet placement Expo.

Dark Matter Day 2019 public lecture
29 Oct 2019The Theory Behind Dark Matter, Dr Stephen West

Global Challenges Research Fund Award
17 Oct 2019PlomBoxear: a Device for Open-Source Metrology to Fight Lead Contamination in Drinking Water

50 years on – our link with Apollo 11 Moon landing
16 Jul 2019The flight to the Moon by Neil Armstrong, Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin and Michael Collins is one of the most significant moments of human history.

A second Quantum Revolution?
04 Jul 2019The promise and pitfalls of quantum technologies

PhD Viva Success
24 Jun 2019Congratulations to Franco La Zia for successfully completing his PhD viva

Critical opalescence in quantum matter
19 Jun 2019Theoretical physicists detect critical opalescence at a metal-insulator transition in correlated quantum matter

World Metrology Day 20th May 2019
17 May 2019Imagine living in a world where you couldn’t say if it is hot or cold, what the time is, how much you weigh or how long you’ve walked to reach a destination.