Displaying 13 to 24 of 80

Congratulations to Dr Petra Knappova
22 Jul 2024Dr Petra Knappova completed her viva on the 27th of June!

College Team Teaching Award for Physics Dept
11 Jul 2024Royal Holloway Physics won the Team Teaching Award for the RHUL Education Conference 2024. RHUL Physics and SEPnet have boosted employability for our graduates and increased placement opportunities.

Spotting the incipient quantum chromodynamics critical point
25 Jun 2024A theoretical framework based on the general properties of critical phenomena can reveal when quark matter is approaching the critical point between a gas of hadrons and a plasma of quarks and gluons

Science Festival 2024
20 Jun 2024On Saturday 15 June, Royal Holloway hosted its Science Festival.

LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA (LVK) Collaboration detected a remarkable gravitational-wave signal
11 Apr 2024In May 2023, shortly after the start of the fourth LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA observing run, the LIGO Livingston detector observed a gravitational-wave signal from the collision of what is most likely a neutron

Royal Holloway Welcomes Astronomers Justyn Maund and Alessio Spurio Mancini to the Physics Department
09 Feb 2024Royal Holloway, University of London, has announced the appointment of distinguished astronomers Justyn Maund and Alessio Spurio Mancini to its esteemed physics department.

Sparking the future of Physics
06 Feb 2024A new proposal for a much larger supercollider that could revolutionise physics and spark the future is being explored.

EPSRC Visits Royal Holloway to Discuss Quantum Technologies Funding
31 Oct 2023Royal Holloway had the honour of hosting representatives from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) today.

Royal Holloway enters US and UK research partnership to advance quantum information science
19 Jun 2023Partnership will lead to new quantum devices, insights into their performance, ways to harness quantum information and discoveries in fundamental physics.

Superconducting quantum circuits take a cold bath
16 Jun 2023New cooling technology developed for quantum computing circuits.

Small but packs a punch: Electro-nuclear Transition in YbRh2Si2
27 Mar 2023Scientists found a new magnetic state in YbRh2Si2, driven by nuclear magnetism at 1.5 mK, adding a new twist to the interplay between magnetism and superconductivity.

FASER detects first ever high energy neutrinos produced by a particle collider
22 Mar 2023The discovery promises to help physicists understand the nature of the universe’s most abundant particle.