Displaying 161 to 180 of 322

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2022
15 Jun 2022World Elder Abuse Awareness Day aims to educate, highlight the abuse of older people, and encourage action against it.

Magna Carta Day 2022
15 Jun 2022Magna Carta Day on June 15 commemorates the signing of the Great Charter that limited the powers of the English monarch

Collaboration between our Department and Hampstead Theatre
14 Jun 2022Dr Rita D’Alton-Harrison was commissioned to write an essay for the play ‘The Fellowship’ opening at Hampstead Theatre on the 21st June 2022

Student receives prestigious award
09 Jun 2022Ms Jayden Bookout (Law with Psychology) received the 2022 Outstanding International Student Award

World Environment Day 2022 – An Insolvency Law Perspective
05 Jun 2022Small things and obscure statutory provisions may make a change in our collective fight to preserve our environment

Dr Elizabeth Pearson gives 47th Käte Hamburger lecture on Misogyny, Masculinities & Extremism
31 May 2022Dr Elizabeth Person presented on Misogyny and Masculinity: Using Gender to Understand Extremism.

We Are Hiring More Staff!
25 May 2022The Department of Law and Criminology at Royal Holloway, University of London is pleased to announce that we're looking for more staff to join our team!

Dr Giovanni Travaglino has been invited to deliver a seminar at the University of Palermo
25 May 2022Dr Giovanni Travaglino will deliver a two-day seminar to the doctoral students of the Department of Economic and Statistical Sciences at the University of Palermo

College Teaching Prizes 2022
23 May 2022The Department of Law and Criminology has achieved outstanding results in the College Teaching Prizes for 2022

We Are Hiring!
19 May 2022The Department of Law and Criminology at Royal Holloway, University of London is looking for new highly-qualified and forward-thinking professionals to join our team!

Dr Elizabeth Pearson presents at Global Counterterrorism Forum conference on A Gendered Approach to Preventing Violent Extremism & Terrorism
18 May 2022Dr Elizabeth Person presented on gendered approaches to understanding violent extremism and terrorism

REF 2021 news
11 May 2022We are pleased to announce that following the publishing of the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021 results our research activity has demonstrated significant strength in impact and the value of our multi-disciplinary research base.

Dr Elizabeth Pearson presents at The International Institute for Justice
01 Apr 2022Dr Elizabeth Person presented on Boko Haram’s Abduction of Women

Student publishes undergraduate research
11 Mar 2022Professor Meek and Alumni student disseminate research on financial decision-making

Dr Emily Glorney receives High Sheriff’s Award
08 Mar 2022Dr Emily Glorney receives the Award of the High Sheriff of Surrey in recognition of great and valuable service to the community.

Project Launch: Secondary analysis of data collected over a 20 year period by HM Inspectorate of Prisons
03 Mar 2022The project seeks to prepare the data as a source for future research by academic, policy makers and practitioners

Multi-Agency Summit on Permanent School Exclusion in Surrey
01 Mar 2022Research led by Dr Emily Glorney on school exclusions was influential for the debate at the Multi-Agency Summit

Dr Eugenio Vaccari has been invited to deliver a talk at the Universite de Paris Nanterre
25 Feb 2022The talk is part of a series of seminars titled 'Cycle de Rencontres Interdisciplinnaires - Beyond Brexit'

Dr Eugenio Vaccari has been invited to deliver a guest lecture at Goldsmiths, University of London
22 Feb 2022In the guest lecture, Dr Eugenio Vaccari will speak of recent developments in the English corporate rescue toolkit

A quick outline of some of the award-winning research carried out in our multi-disciplinary department
09 Feb 2022The researchers at the Department of Law and Criminology work across disciplines to respond rapidly and in innovative ways to changing societal needs