Catch up on the latest news from the Department of Economics.
Displaying 11 to 20 of 79

Alumni Spotlight: Witse Konings
04 Oct 2023I'm a 24-year-old Belgian, born and bred, with a taste for adventure

Welcome Myra Mohnen
12 Sept 2023Myra Mohnen (university of Ottawa) is visiting the department for the next two months to work on her project of the political economy of women’s voting rights in early XXth Century England.

Tutors Wanted!
07 Sept 2023The Economics Department at Royal Holloway is looking to appoint 2 – 3 Hourly Paid Tutors on casual contracts from September 2023 until end of March 2024.

Research by Prof. Arnaud Chevalier and co-authors on forced migration and local public policies
09 Aug 2023The paper shows that cities with high inflows of forced migrants increased spending on welfare and education, decreased spending on infrastructure, raised local taxes, and incurred in more debt.

Graduation Spotlight: Sehr’s Experience
01 Aug 2023At graduation we caught up with Sehr Shahid who leaves Royal Holloway with a First Class Honours BSc Economics to ask about her about her experience

Staff Spotlight: Welcome to Francesco Cordoni
05 Jul 2023Getting to know Francesco Cordoni, Postdoctoral Research Assistant at the Department

Dr. Hui Shing has been awarded with the College Excellence Teaching Prize
03 Jul 2023Hui Shing developed a pioneering project on student communities with pre-arrival group chats

Workshop on Family and Health Economics, jointly organized between Royal Holloway and City University.
16 Jun 2023The workshop will take place on September 28-29 and has Gabriella Conti and Sonia Bhalotra as keynote speakers. Submissions open.

First Student Assessment Co-Design and Co-Creation Conference (CoDeCon)
16 Jun 2023The Conference has been organised by the Centre for Research in Economics Education (CREEd) and will be held online on June 27th

Workshop on Labour and Human Capital Accumulation
06 Jun 2023On the 20th of June, the Centre for the Economics of the Household (EcHo) will hold a Workshop on Labour and Human Capital Accumulation