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Displaying 31 to 40 of 87

Natural caffeine found in floral nectar can prevent disease in bumblebees
28 May 2021A new study published by researchers from Royal Holloway and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew has concluded that natural caffeine can prevent disease in bumblebees.

Research shows weed killers should be redesigned to save bumblebees
08 Apr 2021A study by researchers at Royal Holloway has concluded that weed killers, bought by many households across the country and used in agriculture, could easily be redesigned to be more bumblebee friendly

Fishes from the depths of the ocean show significant signs of microplastic ingestion
16 Feb 2021Scientists from Royal Holloway and the Natural History Museum have sampled 30 mesopelagic specimens to find that 66.7% of these ocean fishes contain microfibres.

New insight to how cannabis-derived compounds may reverse cellular changes found in people with multiple sclerosis
14 Jan 2021New research at Royal Holloway has identified how two compounds derived from cannabis could function at a cellular level to reduce disease-associated changes in a range of conditions.

New nasal spray proven to kill 99.9% of the coronavirus that causes Covid-19 is being trialled in the UK
12 Jan 2021An academic from Royal Holloway is playing an instrumental part in the first UK clinical trials of a nasal spray proven to kill 99.9% of the coronavirus that causes Covid-19.

Medicinal plant could be the answer to better breast cancer treatment
02 Nov 2020Scientists discover a potential first for future cancer chemotherapy treatment

Research finds new dietary approach could manage a range of diseases with a particular fatty acid being the key to a longer life
01 Sept 2020Research findings suggest an exciting new role for decanoic acid from the ketogenic diet in the treatment of patients with wide-ranging diseases.

Younger generation fail to notice environmental decline
19 Aug 2020Young people are not as aware of environmental changes compared to the older generation, according to a new report by Royal Holloway

Bumblebee larval growth impaired by insecticide
06 Aug 2020Researchers from Royal Holloway, have found that an insecticide used in more than 81 countries, including within the EU, could contribute towards a global decline in bumblebees.

International award shared by two talented PhD students
06 Aug 2020Two talented PhD research students in the Department of Biological Sciences have been recognised as joint recipients of an international award for their research contributions.