Find out the latest news and events from within the department.
Displaying 21 to 30 of 87

Get to know Dr Becky Thomas
17 Mar 2022Dr Becky Thomas has had research articles published recently on conservation ecology and what we can do to help wildlife under threat.

Get to Know…Professor Rafael Yáñez-Muñoz
17 Mar 2022Professor Rafael Yáñez-Muñoz has organised a special day of activity for Rare Disease Day at Royal Holloway recently.

Celebrating Rare Disease Day 2022
04 Mar 2022Rare Disease Day is an international awareness day celebrated in over 100 countries on the last day of February each year

Urgent research into pesticide ingredients needed to help save our bees
03 Mar 2022Scientists call for urgent research into the effects of ‘inert’ ingredients in pesticides and their impact on bee health.

Study finds co-formulants used in commercial fungicide affects the health of bumblebees
08 Nov 2021Researchers from Royal Holloway have found for the first time that a co-formulant found in commercial agricultural pesticides used across the UK significantly affects the health of bumblebees.

Water adhesive properties of bird eggshells linked to climate and nest environment
20 Oct 2021New research led by academics at Royal Holloway has revealed how the moisture-resistance of bird eggshells has evolved to thrive in different environments.

Royal Holloway academic wins a British Ecological Society award
20 Oct 2021The prize is awarded for outstanding current research which is having a significant impact on the development of the science of ecology or its application.

Honeybees’ waggle dance reveals bees in rural areas travel further for food
06 Oct 2021The information from decoding waggle dances told researchers that foraging trip distances were consistently shorter in urban areas compared to agricultural areas.

New research from Royal Holloway identifies genetic predisposition to rare form of stroke
05 Oct 2021New research has identified the first genetic link for Cerebral Venous Thrombosis (CVT): an uncommon form of stroke affecting mostly young individuals, and primarily women.

New findings show pigeons act selflessly when under threat
04 Jun 2021Pigeons flock together in the presence of predators for the collective benefit, rather than for selfish interest