Displaying 141 to 150 of 158

Recent successes for Nathan James Dearden
26 Sept 2018Nathan, a postgraduate research student in composition, has racked up a number of successes in recent months.

New book by Jonathan Godsall
11 Sept 2018A book on pre-existing music in film by Jonathan Godsall, Teaching Fellow in Music, has been published by Routledge as part of the Ashgate Screen Music Series.

Nina Whiteman appointed as Lecturer in Composition
11 Sept 2018The Department of Music is delighted to announce the addition of Dr Nina Whiteman to its composition staff.

PRS Foundation award touring grant for Mark Bowden's 'The Mare's Tale'
06 Aug 2018The Berkeley Ensemble has been awarded funding from the PRS Foundation for the world premiere tour of Mark Bowden's music theatre piece 'The Mare's Tale', through the Beyond Borders scheme.

High satisfaction scores for Royal Holloway Music in NSS 2018
03 Aug 2018We are delighted that our graduating students have reported high satisfaction with their Music degree from Royal Holloway.

Premiere of Rachel Beckles Willson’s ‘Sing no Sad Songs for Me’
15 Jun 2018The premiere performance of the cross-cultural work will take place in London on 30 June as part of a programme exploring the extraordinary changes through which Europe is living today.

Dr Daniel Elphick speaks on BBC Surrey Radio
13 Jun 2018Teaching Fellow Daniel Elphick responds to comments by You Me At Six lead singer Josh Franceschi that rock musicians need to ‘up their game’.

Nathan James Dearden featured in London Philharmonic Orchestra Gala
12 Jun 2018Commissioned by the London Philharmonic Orchestra, Postgraduate Research composer Nathan James Dearden's 'franz' recieved its world premiere in the presence of HRH The Duke of Kent KG

New work by Professor Mark Bowden to be broadcast on BBC Radio 3
24 May 2018The premiere performance of Mark Bowden’s new orchestral work Three Interludes will be broadcast on BBC Radio 3’s Afternoon Concert on 29th May.

Dr Mark Berry publishes New York Times column on Bernd Zimmermann
20 Mar 2018Reader in Musicology at Royal Holloway, Dr Mark Berry, has recently published a feature article about the life and music of Bernd Zimmermann on The New York Times' online Music section.