Displaying 61 to 70 of 77

Prof Dietmann and Prof Blackburn are new journal editors
29 Jun 2020Prof Dietmann and Prof Blackburn join the editorial boards of the Ramanujan Journal and Mathematical Cryptology, respectively.

Dr Barnea publishes in top journal
26 Jun 2020Dr. Barnea and Prof. Schlage-Puchta (University of Rostock, Germany) publish in "Forum of Mathematics, Pi".

What should I do this summer ?
25 Jun 2020Preparing to study mathematics at University ? Here are some resources to help ...

First Mathematics Virtual Taster Day
24 Jun 2020Our first and very successful event was held on 22nd June 2020 - find out more about chocolate and sprouts !

Research in Covid19 times
19 Jun 2020What's happening to Mathematics Research during this pandemic ?

Well done to our undergraduates!
12 Jun 2020Together we celebrate the close of this extraordinary term of 'virtual exams'.

Maths expresses solidarity with #strike4blacklives.
11 Jun 2020Mathematics staff joined international community on 10th June 2020 to condemn racism.

A day of talks launches CANTA
04 Jun 2020The Centre for Combinatorial Methods in Algebra, Number Theory and Applications (CANTA), was launched on Wednesday 3rd June 2020.

Balázs Mezei defends his PhD thesis in Mathematics through an online viva
02 Jun 2020Congratulations to Balázs Mezei, who passed his PhD viva at the end of May! He was the first student of the mathematics department to have an online viva.

Kaisa Matomäki wins 2020 EMS Prize
18 May 2020RHUL Alumna Kaisa Matomäki has been awarded the prestigious EMS Prize.