The Brief: Create a short film (no more than 1 minute long) about an aspect of your life as a student in the School of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures. A prize of £50 will be awarded to the winning entries.

Get creative and enter the SMLLC video competition!
Possible themes:
• What does studying in SMLLC mean to you?
• Which topic/ course/ book/ film/ artwork, etc has meant most to you?
• If you are a language student, what does studying a language mean to you?
• If you are doing or have done a year abroad, what do/ did you most enjoy about it?
• Another topic of your choice
The film can be as simple or as complex as you like. Record it on your smartphone! No restrictions apart from the duration, which may be no more than 60 seconds.
If you speak a language other than English, please feel free to use it!
If you choose to make a video as a group, any prize awarded will be shared evenly.
NB: By taking part, you must be prepared to have your video shared on our web page and social media channels. So keep it clean!
Uploading your video:
Upload your video to YouTube.
Instructions here:
and here:
In ‘privacy settings’, we recommend you choose unlisted. See this link:
Sending your video:
Send the URL of your video to Professor Eric Robertson at with the subject line ‘SMLLC Video Competition’.
Deadline for entries:
Send your video no later than Friday 7th June 2019.