News Items
Displaying 41 to 50 of 55

ISG are delighted to announce that PhD graduate reaches the finals in UK wide Connected Nation Pioneers Competition
13 Sept 2018Former PhD student Thyla van der Merwe reaches final stages of UK wide recognising exceptional research contributions towards the development of a Connected Nation.

Professor Lizzie Coles-Kemp delivers inaugural lecture
07 Sept 2018Professor Lizzie Coles-Kemp delivers an inaugural lecture titled 'Digital security for all: why an inclusive security approach matters'.

Cyber Security Postgraduate Bursaries Scheme
25 Jul 2018Royal Holloway University are participating in The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport’s (DCMS) postgraduate bursaries initiative to help adults retrain for a career in cyber security.

Major international cyber security research collaboration announced
16 Jul 2018Royal Holloway, University of London is one of three leading academic institutions collaborating on a new research initiative focused on cyber security for critical national infrastructures.

Royal Holloway signs three way agreement at sixth International Cybersecurity Symposium
12 Jul 2018Royal Holloway has partnered with UMBC, Keio Research Institute (KRIS) in Japan to collaborate on a new research initiative focusing on cybersecurity for critical national infrastructures.

Computer Weekly 2017 Royal Holloway information security thesis series - "Insuring the uninsurable: Is cyber insurance really worth its salt?"
27 Jun 2018"Insuring the uninsurable: Is cyber insurance really worth its salt?" by Michael Payne - Computer Weekly 2017 Royal Holloway information security thesis series.

The Information Security Group (ISG) Open Day
26 Jun 2018The Information Security Group (ISG) at Royal Holloway opened its doors on 26 June for the group's second ISG Open Day, designed for anyone with an interest in cyber security

ISG Alumni Conference
25 Jun 2018We were delighted to host our 6th ISG Alumni Conference on 25 June 2018

InfoSec Cinema: May the force be with Information Security
04 May 2018On 24th April 2018, a new initiative from MSc Information Security lecturer Dr Jorge Blasco Alis and Dr Elizabeth Quaglia was launched

Social Media and Personal Data - BBC Radio Cymru interview Dr Geraint Price
22 Mar 2018Dr Geraint Price was interviewed for "Post Cyntaf" (trans. "First Post") on the morning of Weds 21st March on BBC Radio Cymru (BBC Welsh language radio station).