Dr. Argyrios Deligkas has been awarded a prestigious EPSRC New Investigator award for the project "NafANE: New Approaches for Approximate Nash Equilibria".

Dr. Argyrios Deligkas
The main goal of NafANE is to develop new techniques with the aim of identifying the precise cut-off between tractable and intractable approximations of Nash equilibria (NE), the foundational solution-concept in Game Theory and Economics. A Nash equilibrium is a situation where no player can increase their payoff by unilaterally deviating. Ultimately NafANE will develop new approaches that enhance our understanding of equilibrium computation, the most fundamental problem in Algorithmic Game Theory.
NafANE will settle the tractability frontier of equilibrium computation for three general classes of games (Bimatrix Games, Polymatrix games, Bayesian Games) that are of interest to a wide variety of researchers within the communities of Economics, Mathematics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Computer Science.
- Bimatrix Games: This is the fundamental class of games, played between two players, that has been studied extensively over the years.
- Polymatrix Games: This class captures many-player games with an underlying network structure, where every node corresponds to a player, and every player interacts with the players in their neighborhood as defined by the network.
- Bayesian Games: This is the foundational class of games with incomplete information. NafANE will focus on the cornerstone subclass of two-player Bayesian games.
The total funding provided by EPSRC for the NafANE project is approximately £500,000. For more information on Argyrios's research check out his homepage.