Displaying 1 to 12 of 12

Dr Melissa Henderson and Dr Aislinn O'Connell publish At The Crossroads Report
23 Oct 2024Publication of report marks end of Phase II of an SSIA-funded project on employment

Rethinking prison and rehabilitation: Meet Professor Rosie Meek
23 Sept 2024Rosie Meek has been exploring prison, sport and rehabilitation for over 20 years. Her research has made her the go-to expert globally, informing policy and practice to make positive change.

An experimental workshop design using LEGO® for legal problem solving
27 Jun 2024Marton Ribary and Antony Starza-Allen published a short piece about an experimental workshop design using LEGO® for legal problem in contract law in The Law Teacher

Speaker in the Chevening South Asia Journalist Symposium
26 Jun 2024Panel Discussion on ‘Why Do South Asian Media Industries Pander to Their Government'

LEGO for problem solving in Contract at KCON XVII (Bristol)
21 Jun 2024Marton Ribary and Antony Starza-Allen (Surrey) presented initial insights about using LEGO® and visual metaphors for assisting law students with problem solving in contract law.

Law, Anarchism and Destituent Power: The State’s Monopoly of Violence
14 Jun 2024The workshop aimed to focus on the anarchist critique of the state’s monopoly of violence and ponder on how we disorient and dispute this monopoly, without creating a new form of law.

Dr. Elizabeth Pearson gave a talk in the Ethical Matters series for Conway Hall
04 Jun 2024Criminology lecturer Dr. Elizabeth Pearson gave a May Bank Holiday talk on the ethics of talking to extremists, at London’s Conway Hall.

Professor Sylvia Walby OBE launches research on human trafficking policy and intervention
31 May 2024Professor Sylvia Walby has published a book entitled Trafficking Chains: Modern Slavery in Society to help academics, policymakers and governments, tackle human trafficking.

Pioneering research investigates the influence of organised crime on communities
20 May 2024Royal Holloway is leading a global project examining how communities respond to criminal groups and how these organisations exert power.

Dr Renata Grossi's talk on 'I am not my friend’: When contract law goes to therapy'
02 May 2024Dr. Renata Grossi who is an interdisciplinary scholar in the Faculty of Law at the University of Technology Sydney, Australia, gave a talk on 2nd May 2024 titled ‘I am not my friend’: When contract la

Professor Rita D’Alton - Harrison
09 Apr 2024Professor Rita D’Alton - Harrison was invited as a keynote speaker to the inaugural international conference ‘Black and Brown in Bioethics’

Dr Shailesh Kumar to give a talk at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS), SAS, University of London
06 Mar 2024The talk is a part of the ‘Judicial Conversation’ series organized at the IALS.