Oct 18 2017
Dr Lynette Goddard (https://pure.royalholloway.ac.uk/portal/en/persons/lynette-goddard(525c97e9-39fc-4c41-8d32-a1698084ef4e).html), Reader in Black Theatre and Performance (Department of Drama, Theatre and Dance, Royal Holloway) will talk about her recent publication which focuses on Errol John's play 'Moon on a Rainbow Shawl' (https://www.routledge.com/Errol-Johns-Moon-on-a-Rainbow-Shawl/Goddard/p/book/9781138678873), one of the first plays by a Black Caribbean playwright to be produced on the London stage. It has become the most revived black play in Britain - from its original production at the Royal Court in 1958, to the National Theatre in 2012. Moon on a Rainbow Shawl depicts the lives of a black community living in poverty in a shared tenement yard in Port of Spain, Trinidad, in the mid 1940s, showing how each of the characters carries dreams of escaping to create better lives for themselves and their families.

Dr Goddard will talk about their interest in the play as a representation of the migratory impulse that prompted many Caribbean people to uproot from their homes on the islands and move to England in the postwar era and their documenting of the play’s British production history in this book. The talk will be followed by a drinks reception.

For further information on the event, please contact Katerina Finnis (katerina.finnis@rhul.ac.uk), Equality and Diversity Co-ordinator
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