CPS London is holding a special Students Careers Engagement session online on 8 December at 5:30 pm GMT.
This session is open to students who may be interested in going into law and specifically the Crown Prosecution Service as Prosecutors, Lawyers or Barristers. The agenda for the event will include:
- Introduction to the Crown Prosecution Service
- Information on Career Pathways
- Details of opportunities available
- How to take action on the opportunities
- Hearing the career stories from experienced Prosecutors
- Opportunity to ask questions
In attendance from the CPS will be:
- David Malone, Deputy Chief Crown Prosecutor
- Sharon Grant, District Crown Prosecutor
- Simon Arloff, District Crown Prosecutor
If you will be joining the event, please email by 6 December, Paul Ellis (at paul.ellis@cps.gov.uk), in the subject header of the email insert “CPS Student Virtual Careers Event”. In the body of the email provide (a) your name and (b) your university name.
Further information
Booking is essential. The deadline is 6 December 2021.
Attendance to this event is free.