JAIfest 2018 - John Adams Institute Festival
The annual festive meeting of the John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science will be hosted at Royal Holloway University of London on 7th December 2018, when over 50 delegates from Imperial College London, the University of Oxford, Royal Holloway's Physics Department, and CERN, will converge to review another year of successful research in the exciting field of Accelerator Science.
The affectionately named "JAI Fest" is the key annual event of the John Adams Institute, which meets to review and celebrate ongoing research, and to foster collaboration and ideas for future research directions. The JAI was established in 2004 as a joint venture between Royal Holloway, the University of Oxford, and most recently Imperial College London, and this institute has long established links with major research laboratories and particle accelerator facilities around the world. Find out more here:
Topics to be covered in this meeting will include the JAI's contributions to various ambitious projects, from Future Circular Colliders, including CERN's High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider, down to the development of futuristic, compact table top accelerators driven by lasers. The meeting will also assess the industrial impact of technologies developed by the institute and how society will benefit from the research. Examples include recent simulations to help design new accelerators for proton beam therapy in the UK and Europe; and a project with the UK accelerator community to create accelerators specifically designed to treat cancer in developing countries, where access to life saving accelerators is currently extremely limited. Most talks will be presented by the next generation of accelerator scientists, our PhD students and early career post-docs, who are the driving force for much of this groundbreaking research.
Talks will be aimed at a final year undergraduate audience.
Location: Royal Holloway
Time: 10:00 start (for 10:30 talks) until wine & canapés at 18:00