Royal Holloway sent two speakers to the London Mathematical Society Summer School. The Summer School is an annual two-week residential course for up to 50 undergraduate mathematics students from universities across the UK.

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The aim of the LMS summer school is to encourage the best mathematical students each year to consider further study, by introducing them to various topics in modern mathematics that they may not have seen at undergrad level. Each UK maths department is invited to nominate their top students for the Summer School.
In the Summer School Professor Simon Blackburn spoke on Public key cryptography and algebra describing recent developments in public key cryptography, and why the search for new cryptosystems is so important at the moment.
Professor Iain Moffatt, our Head of Department, gave a course titled The graph theory hiding in knot theory which described various interactions between the mathematics of knots, networks and statistical physics.
Professor Simon Blackburn writes “the annual LMS Summer Schools provide a great opportunity for mathematics students from universities across the UK to come together to work research-oriented maths. Our own students have had great experiences at these Summer Schools and it’s great to be a part of them”.