Staff from the Department have had their excellence in teaching and supervision recognized in University prizes. Many congratulations to all our colleagues!

Professor Giuliana Pieri with students from the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
The teachers and projects awarded with University prizes are:
Martina Borghi and Giuliana Pieri - Certificate of Commendation for case study ‘Curating Narratives: from the Museum as Classroom to the Classroom as Museum’
Hannah Thompson, Ruth Cruickshank, Karina Berger, Katie Docwra, Miguel Garcia, Lidia Meras - Certificate of Commendation for case study ‘Embedding Industry Experience for All from the Outset: First-Year Translation Studies Teaching and Learning’
Odile Rimbert, Anissa Talahite-Moodley, Amelie Boubaker, Alice Dias-Mercier - Certificate of Commendation for case study ‘Redesigning a second-year French language course to include and empower students with diverse learning abilities’
All of these projects reflect the Department's commitment to make the learning experience innovative, practical, and inclusive, and have been very well received by students.
Congratulations also to Dr Danielle Sands, who is the runner up in the annual University Doctoral Supervision Award.