Introducing Ilham Essalih, a second-year PhD student in Comparative Literature and an established and successful book reviewer. Ilham works remotely from her home in Brussels where she lives with her husband and one-year-old daughter.

Ilham Essalih
Ilham writes:
'In my research I focus on madness, gender and colonial trauma in postcolonial literature from all over Africa. I analyse texts by Tayeb Salih and Buchi Emecheta among others, and am supervised by Dr. Danielle Sands and Dr. Fabrizio De Donno.
I have an Instagram page on which I talk and write about books. I share my current reads, write reviews and discuss all things literature. I mostly focus my reading on books written by POC, but you’ll find the odd classic or hyped Atwood on there as well! Right now I am trying to focus on books by Moroccan writers, and I recently did a video about all my favourite books.
Last year I was interviewed by TRT, the main Turkish television broadcaster, to discuss representation in young adult fiction (see video above).
I also write about books for online platforms, you can find my recent articles here.
Follow me on Instagram and let’s chat books!!"