Latest Blogs and Videos
Get a personal insight into the work of researchers in Languages, Literatures and Cultures through this occasional series of blog articles, reports, videos and recordings created by postgraduates and staff members. This includes work created by our interdisciplinary Centre for Visual Cultures.
As part of our commitment to accessibility, transcriptions are also featured, including of the ‘Making Space for Art’ seminar series (2015-18).
Displaying 1 to 10 of 14

Making Space for Art: Jannet de Goede
26 Jul 2022As part of the Making Space for Art series of talks at Royal Holloway, this talk is 'For the Benefit and Joy of the Community' by Jannet de Goede (Curator, Kröller-Müller Museum).

Making Space for Art: Dr Xavier Bray
26 Jul 2022As a part of the Making Space for Art series of talks at Royal Holloway, To Change or not to change the Wallace Collection? is a talk delivered by Dr Xavier Bray (Director of the Wallace Collection).

Making Space for Art: John Perivolaris
22 Feb 2022As part of the Making Space for Art series of talks at Royal Holloway, photographer John Perivolaris discusses the portraits he has been making since 2011 under the Shoreditch Bridge in London.

Making Space for Art: Ben Thomas
30 Nov 2021As part of the Making Space for Art series, available here as a recording and transcript, Dr Ben Thomas discusses co-curating the Ashmolean exhibition Raphael: The Drawings.

Making Space for Art: David Johnson
23 Nov 2021In this talk for Making Space for Art, artist David Johnson speaks on the theme of Beauty and the Blind: There’s Far More to Seeing Than Enters the Eyeball. Introduction by Professor Hannah Thompson.

Making Space for Art: Cy Twombly
22 Nov 2021As part of the Making Space for Art series, Dr Frances Guerin (University of Kent) and Professor Ahuvia Kahane (RHUL) discuss Cy Twombly, Modernism, Antiquity and the History of Art.

Making Space for Art: Dr Sonia Solicari
14 Sept 2021As part of the Making Space for Art series, Dr Sonia Solicari (Head of Guildhall Art Gallery) discusses how the gallery re-contextualised its collection on the theme of Money, Power, Politics.

‘Inside Love’ with Tate Exchange
03 Sept 2021PhD researcher Martina Borghi shares her experience of creating a video love letter to a work of art as part of Royal Holloway’s programme for Tate Exchange 2020-21.

James Williams discusses his book on African cinema
08 Jul 2021A video conversation between James Williams, the 2020 R. Gapper Book Prize winner and director of the RHUL Centre for Visual Cultures, and Patrick Crowley for SFS 2020.

Galleries and Museums during Covid and Beyond...
05 Nov 2020Doctoral researcher Kate Devine reflects on the pros and cons of the recent move to online programming at museums and galleries.