Sunshine greeted around 100 visitors to the department to hear about our programmes and to have a taste of our teaching

Royal Holloway holds 4 open days a year on which we welcome potential applicants for our undergraduate degrees. Saturday Sep 29th saw the first of these for the academic year 2018-19 and around 100 visitors arrived in the Department of Earth Sciences to attend a talk from our Head of Department (Jürgen Adam) about our programmes and a short lecture on the Geology of Mars from David Waltham which incorporated pictures in 3D taken from orbiting spacecraft and surface rovers.
These talks were followed by hands-on activities in which our guests were able to model the formation of folds and faults (in layered sand and clay and demonstrated by Lucia Perez-Diaz) or the behaviour of lava flows (using treacle and other high-viscosity fluids as demonstrated by Christina Manning).
Visitors were also able to take tours of the campus and to have one-one discussions on our degrees with Anirban Basu inside our fabulous new library.