Royal Holloway’s Petroleum Geoscience MSc programme, in its 33rd year, will be hosting its annual Symposium on Tuesday 4th September 2018 in the Boiler House Auditorium on campus

Royal Holloway’s Petroleum Geoscience MSc programme, in its 33rd year, will be hosting its annual Symposium on 4th September 2018. The Symposium is an opportunity to see the work that our students have been doing during the summer, working on petroleum geoscience projects from basins all over the world. It is also an opportunity to meet the students, discuss their career plans, and to network with many of our industry collaborators who kindly provide data or teach on the course.
A full-day of presentations will be given covering topics such as geophysical exploration of hydrocarbon-bearing basins from western Europe to Australia, salt tectonics, analogue structural modelling, paleo-landscape modelling, digital rock physics, as well as research into structural and sedimentological processes.
Date: Tuesday 4th September 2018
Times: Coffee from 08.30, talks from 09.00, reception from 17.30
Location: Boiler House Auditorium, Royal Holloway University of London, TW20 0EX
Admission: Free, lunch provided
Further information: Please register your interest with Lynne White,