Royal Holloway has been ranked as a platinum top tier university for green initiatives and renewable energy in the annual green universities guide by Uswitch.

Uswitch sought to see if the UK’s education establishments are doing enough to be considered green universities, with Royal Holloway meeting the criteria for green electricity tariff, green gas tariff, renewable installations, electric vehicles and eco-friendly initiatives.
The university also goes one step further than most higher education establishments by saving and reusing its rainwater.
Professor Julie Sanders, Principal at Royal Holloway, University of London, said: “At Royal Holloway, we continue to generate positive and inclusive change to support significant progress towards sustainability across our university and beyond.
“We’re very pleased to be in the platinum top tier of committed green universities and will continue through our expertise in research and education to encourage, equip and empower our students and colleagues to be leaders in environmental sustainability.”
Ben Gallizzi, energy expert at added: “It’s great to see that some universities are going above and beyond in attempting to become green universities. The ways in which becoming greener and existing more sustainably can be achieved are numerous, and the steps that some of these establishments are taking are commendable.
“Everything from producing their own energy via renewable installations on campus, to having electric car fleets, and doing what they can to protect local wildlife, shows that they are leading by example in trying to achieve net zero carbon emissions.”
You can find out more information about what Royal Holloway is doing in the university’s Sustainability Strategy.